Sunday 6 May 2012

Crysis Image Captures

Real Time Images:

Image One: 

Utilized views of the modules facing the ocean terrain and having a meeting point between them. The terrain allowed for native and natural privacy from each module. 
Image Two:


 Image Three:


Image Four:

Concept 1 in Crysis: Very practical module, with the implication of the YES IS MORE concept. Allowing for a sophisticated model with effective functions in a phlegmatic environment. 
Image Five:

Concept 2 in Crysis: Large voids with thick walls leading to open spaces. Beautiful view from the south facade which also acts as natural wind circulation throughout the module.

36 Custom Textures

 36 Custom Textures:

Light to Dark Textures:


Chosen Textures:


Electroliquid Aggregation

Final Concepts:

This exercise allowed me to excel my knowledge in comparison with my chosen architects concepts, and collaborate on new ideas which would work effectively in my environment.

I also took feedback from my past assignment into consideration. Which was to work around areas in a module, make them more realistic with the aid of circulation and open spaces. Utzon used thick walls with multiple functions leading to open spaces.

BIG's concept used was the use of building as a landscape. This step was taken after the environment in Crysis was built. I tried to focus on the concept of effective views and open native environment to nature as i modeled the terrain, I aimed to utilize these views and allow my model's to display these concepts and allow privacy from each module with the aid of the environment. 

With these concepts i was able to generate;

Axonometric 1:

Axonometric 2:

Axonometrics 1 & 2 =
Concept 1:


Axonometrics 3:

Axonometrics 4:

Axonometrics 3 & 4 =
Concept 2:



Materials Applied in Sketch Up

Models in Google Sketch Up:

18 Axonometrics

12 Axonometrics:

Concept 1:

BIG Concept: Addition/Subtraction.
Concept 2:

Utzon Concept: Solid Void/Private Thick Walls.
Concept 3:

Utzon Concept: Thick Walls with the use of Base Platforms.
Concept 4:

Utzon Concept: Exposing the Structure.
Concept 5:

Utzon Concept: Raw Material.
 Concept 6:
BIG Concept: Collaborative Module.

6 Parallel Projections:
Concepts 1 & 5:
By assembling the Raw material & Addition/Subtraction concept, i was able to generate a simplistic model that represents an architectural form of space and circulation. 
Concepts 4 & 6:

A complex anoxometric module combined with a exposed structure results in a module which represents new concepts which would challenge modern architectural society. 

Concepts 2 & 3:

With the consideration of Space and Circulation, I was able to work around thick walls and private voids to represent a model which would make an ideal "functional" landform with the aid of privacy.

Architects: Jorn Utzon & BIG

Jorn Utzon (9 April 1918 - 29 November 2008) : 


1. Platforms: Base - Ruins of antiquity
2. Modules: Nature/Organic - Additive
3. Raw Materials
4. Solid-Void/ Private-Public. The thick wall with functions leaving open spaces
5. Exposing the structure

Concepts include:

- Using functional thick walls to portray the exit of the building.

- Expose the structure of the module with the aid of raw materials to combine aesthetics with the surrounding environment(Organic).

- Frame the view sites specifically to portray the above concepts. 


BIG (Founding partner, Bjarke Ingels) :


1. Adaptive practical module: Pragmatic Uptopianism
2. Multiple function, Circulation, Built diagram
3. YES IS MORE: Collaborative, Entrepreneurial spirit: Challenging current technology
4. Building as landscape
5. Subtraction/ Addition

Concepts include:
- Practical implications which would allow modules to circulate, have purpose with multiple functions.

- New concepts which would challenge current society in the architectural world.

- Imply landscape modules which would have the ability to display subtraction/Addition.